Posts tagged cobra grips
Grip strength core and pull-up exercises with the Cobra Rope Grips

You are only as strong as your weakest link! So often our grip fails first in training, sports, and in task performed outside the gym. Incorporate more grip strength in performing exercises like hanging holds and pull-ups with larger diameter or odd shaped objects . This video shows some variations using the MoveStrong Cobra Grips to perform various exercises that emphasize grip strength while performing core and pull-ups variations. Progress in the exercises you are capable of by performing more reps and/or more hanging hold times. 

Exercise progressions in the video are while grasping the Cobra Grips:

  • Single knee-up
  • Double knee-up with hold
  • Knee-up to L-sit
  • Jumping pull-up
  • Pull-up
  • L-Sit Pull-up